Misinformation Alert: Climate Reparations
At Cop27, a fund was established to help poor, vulnerable nations cope with the impacts of climate change. This fund is officially referred to as 'loss and damage'. However, the same fund is commonly referred to as 'climate reparations' by climate activists, the mainstream press and disinformation spreaders alike.
Persuadables have likely been exposed to this concept during Cop27, and will be in the future. But is the framing counter-productive?
In this newsletter:
- What's going on? How 'climate reparations' is being reframed to cast doubt on all climate action.
- Who's involved? Who is exposed to the messaging, and will it work?
- How to get ahead. How to address 'loss and damage' in communications going forwards.
Background resources: an excellent explainer on loss and damage and information about the decision at Cop27.